20.04.2024 - Fundraising-Journal: Editierte RSS-Feeds zu Fundraising-Themen
08.02.12, 14:35

Im Südsudan droht eine Hungerkatastrophe
Bote der Urschweiz
Mit einem Spendenaufruf wollen sie Nahrungsmittel für mindestens 2,7 Millionen von Unterernährung bedrohte Menschen sammeln. Genf. ? Gemäss dem Welternährungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (WFP) und der Welternährungsorganisation (FAO) war 2011 die ...

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29.01.12, 12:24


JRZ: Keine Sammelaktion im 2012?
Wenn also eine Spendenkampagne der Glückskette mit ?JRZ? zwischen 5 und 10 Millionen Franken ersammelt, dann werden diese Beträge in den Buchhaltungen der anderen Organisationen fehlen. Dies verärgert diese Organisationen verständlicherweise.
Durchführung von "Jeder Rappen zählt" nicht gesichertpersoenlich.com

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25.01.12, 08:06


Bill Gates will in Davos Spenden sammeln
Wall Street Journal (Blog)
Die Boom-Jahre von 2002 bis 2008, als die finanzielle Hilfe jedes Jahr prozentual zweistellig stieg, sind vorbei, wie aus einer Studie der University of Washington in Seattle hervorgeht. Bill Gates tells WSJ's Gautam Naik about the progress his ...
Ständige Überstunden fördern laut Studie das Depressions-RisikoNachrichten.ch

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21.02.11, 15:00

The Local.se

Boost for Swedes' charitable giving in 2010
The Local.se
Charitable giving in Sweden reached near record levels in 2010, according to preliminary statistics, approaching levels not seen since the year following the tsunami catastrophe in southeast Asia. Figures compiled by the Swedish Fundraising Council ...

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18.02.11 - 08.02.12
21.02.11, 13:28

Smart Gorillas

Bridging the giving gap
Smart Gorillas
A series of influential reports endorse this view, not least the Giving Green Paper that was published by the Government in December 2010. Relating charitable donations to the Big Society agenda, the Green Paper asserts that ?giving is sustained by a ...

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21.02.11, 11:04

Obama proposal worries charities
Omaha World-Herald
By Steve Jordon Charities that depend on yearly donations from high-income people might be hurt by President Barack Obama's proposed limit on tax deductions for charitable giving. Although huge donations, such as the billions sought by Bill Gates' and ...

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20.02.11, 10:10

Charitable Giving by Wealthy Americans Hits Ten-Year Low; Non Profit Sector ...
A recent article by the Chronicle of Philanthropy shows that charitable giving by the wealthiest Americans is at a ten-year slump. Vincent Everett (CEO Works of Life International Ministries) holds that the slump is attributed to slow national economic ...

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18.02.11, 15:13
Nonprofit mergers are designed to create stronger, more effective organizations. Dont let inattention to branding challenges mar that opportunity.

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